
Five Reasons To Practice Bulk Buying

08-06-2022 Shopping Tips

Bulk buying is the act of purchasing large quantities of products in a single transaction, and it is a practise that is becoming increasingly popular among shoppers. While it may seem counterintuitive to buy in bulk, especially if you live in a small household, there are many benefits that come with it. Product prices and inflation are increasing every day. The better way to buy is bulk buying. In this blog post, we will explore the top five reasons why you should consider practicing bulk buying.

5 Reasons Why You Should Practice Bulk Buying

Get Better Deals

When buying bulk to truly know the amount of money saved, you must compare costs. Compare costs between the unit price and the wholesale price. Maxibuy has made this easier for you. You can quickly spot the price difference between our single buy and TeamBuy price to make your purchase.

Make A Profit As A Retailer.

Buy products in bulk to resell later at your own price. Maxibuy makes it easier for retailers to restock their stores while offering them the best prices.

Shopping Conveniently

Buying in bulk is convenience shopping. This means you don’t always have to get up and go to the market every other day. Buy once and go to your pantry to pick what you need. Maxibuy has even made bulk buying easy. You can sit in the comfort of your home, shop and we deliver to you.

Back-Up For Emergency

Bulk buying means you are safe for a rainy day. Imagine you have an unplanned event. There is another lockdown or inflation or stock prices shoot up. Buying in bulk covers you since you have bought way ahead and once it is over, you are ready to buy again.

Makes Buying Economical

With bulk buying, you save money. Not only do you save on prices for buying, but you are also saving on the cost of transportation. It’s even easier on you because you get free delivery on Maxibuy once your purchase is above N25,000.

How To Buy Bulk On Maxibuy

Buy In Lots.

If you want to buy at TeamBuy prices without joining an open TeamBuy. You can buy in lots. Lots buying allows you to take away as much as you want and the price drips as your quantity increases. 

Public TeamBuy

Public TeamBuy on Maxibuy is available for users who want to pay wholesale prices for as little as single units without having to buy bulk in lots. Here, the power of a team brings the price down. Each team member selects their desired quantity until the number of units needed to meet the team is reached. Everyone says the number of units they need and the TeamBuy closes.

Bulk buying is the best way to buy without wondering where all your money went. Whether you are buying in lots or using any of our team buy options, we’ve got you covered. Hurry now to and start buying as much as you need.